What does an Adjustment look like?

What Our Office Looks Like

Tens of thousands of chiropractors nationwide practice various techniques and styles of adjustment. With this in mind, we created a video on what an adjustment can look like at our office! Our office mostly uses hands-on techniques, though we have additional techniques that involve movement of the table or a handheld instrument for patients who prefer lighter pressure.

NOTE: Before we EVER adjust a patient, we always perform a thorough history, examination, and x-rays (if needed). This form of analysis allows us to determine the exact source of injury and the best techniques and therapies to fix it.

Depending on the condition, our office may also utilize a variety of the following techniques:

Rehab Exercises 

After careful examination and screenings, we determine the movement patterns that the patient may be missing. Overly tight muscles, while also having the weakness of others, can cause body imbalances. These imbalances may be causing our bodies to move in ways that lead to repetitive injuries. Our team focuses on getting to and fixing your pain’s root cause.

Massage Therapy

Our licensed massage therapist works closely with your case and can assist in soft tissue work and stretch therapy for tighter muscles. She specializes in the following techniques:

  • Neuromuscular massage
  • Passive stretching techniques
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Positional release
  • Myofascial release
  • Infant & pregnancy massage
  • Thai Ayurvedic
  • Sports therapy massage
  • Medical massage
Laser Therapy

Our office utilizes a Class 4 LightCure Laser. This high-powered laser can penetrate deep into tissues, promoting cellular repair and offering pain relief. We utilize the therapy for a variety of conditions, including:

If you’re interested in learning more, please Click Here.

Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

IASTM involves using specially designed instruments to provide a mobilizing effect to scar tissue and myofascial adhesions. The main objectives are to break down scar tissue, reduce pain, increase range of motion, and promote optimal tissue healing.


Whether seeking relief from chronic pain or simply aiming for optimal health, your Livonia chiropractor guides you every step of the way. Contact our office to schedule an appointment by Clicking Here or giving us a call today: 734-427-6333

What Our Patients Say

Contact our Office

Chiropractor in Livonia, MI

Contact Life in Motion Chiropractic to request an appointment or to request additional information about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.

27620 Five Mile Road
Livonia, MI 48154

Phone: (734) 427-6333

Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Thu: 9am-12pm, 2pm-6pm
Tue: 2pm-6pm
Fri: Closed
Sat: By Appointment

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